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Old 2007-10-13, 04:59   Link #36
Join Date: Oct 2007
Originally Posted by Commissar View Post
Definitely not an ending and barely a beginning. If there is no second season, then this season was rather pointless. Nothing was really resolved and only more questions remain. The most obvious questions are:

1) How in the hell does a person with direct knowledge and participation in a supposedly highly covert, black-ops unit (901 ATT) allowed to just walk around in public with no restrictions? What's the purpose of his being "allowed" to operate unsupervised by his former handlers?

2) What's the point or goal of the Silver Wheel secret group other than being scary and cryptic?

3) The War. I realize that it doesn't have direct relation with the story since the main group of characters are focused on post-war operations, but it would be great to know about the two countries in detail, who started the war, and what was the ultimate goal that both sides were fighting for so intensely. In addition, knowing more about Orland's past and activities in 901 ATT would help to flesh out his character. They could have done either one of these things instead of filler episodes and spared us of that horrific singing of Stekkin.

Pumpkin Scissors was not the best anime I've ever seen, but it certainly wasn't the worst. It just left way too many holes in the plot without attempting to even resolve a single thing. Without a second season, this series has little merit.

1> They can't prosecute for desertion or whatever if the unit doesn't "exist". Invisible 9? Remember?
2> They give Hammil (drugs) and give weapons (semi-auto rifles, etc) to feudal lords. A plot to destroy the empire internally?
3> You'll have to see for yourself when they come out with season 2. The bad guys are bound to explain everything in the end. Orland was with the 901 Anti-Tank Trooper. Doesn't the name itself if you an idea what his past could've been? Suicidal marches and firing point-black at tanks, and possibly some war atrocity. That's why he's having nightmares.
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