Thread: World of Tanks
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Old 2013-03-27, 15:52   Link #4427
Imagine Breaker
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: In A Certain Magical Place.
Originally Posted by Endless Soul View Post
You saw my chat in-game earlier UTE, but I was saying "ffs why do people drive off cap?"

The team was capping at Malinkova at just about the same time the reds were capping our base. Each team had about 5-6 tanks left on each side. Because we had three on cap, so the cap speed was going pretty good, passing the red cap progress. Judging by the cap progress the reds only had two on cap.

Then, for reasons unknown, the Tiger II that was part of the capping crew, just drove off cap towards the lake! The whole team was yelling at him, myself included. Of course our cap progress slowed down, and the red cap progress sped up as they obviously got a third tank on the cap circle, and quickly overtook our cap progress.

So this Tiger II driving idiot goes down the lake shore a ways and gets intercepted by two reds, who proceed to push him into the lake.

We would have won if he had stayed in the cap circle.

Endless "facepalm" Soul
LOL you had a KT that went full retard on you guys..... thats hilarious. i think i've had a few games similar to that, but not exactly a total loosing game.
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