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Old 2010-08-03, 00:04   Link #16
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Join Date: May 2007
Originally Posted by fertygo View Post
Well I know they didn't actually lie in literally, but still they'll pissed off some (if not most) people if they put it as it seems that gonna be the looks in actual works.
you are the only one that seems "angered"/concerned by some kind of possible change they might do to the character designs. yes, they are going to **slightly** change the character designs, so they can animate the work within the time/budget constraints. it's a rather far-fetched idea to think that they are going to use the original illustration as the artwork of an animated project.

So what the point to show the concept if wouldn't showed in actual works ?
Blah... what you talking about ?
so you can get an idea of the concept they are working on.

Animations work is always about adapting.
Concept --> Actual works, that its. simple.
Its can be like realistic people if the concept's want the animator draw it like so. you want to say the animator can't draw similar object looks like certain people work ?
it's not as simple as you make it out to be.
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