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Old 2009-09-05, 13:18   Link #286
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Went back and re-watched the last few minutes of "Live Alive", and yeah... that episode takes on a greater meaning in the light of this episode.

When I first watched Live Alive, I wondered why Haruhi bothered to drag Kyon over just to see her receive thanks from ENOZ. However, the reason is patently obvious now.

Haruhi has occasional moments of deep reflectiveness and thoughtfulness. You see this most prominently with her lengthy exposition to Kyon pertaining to the baseball game that her dad took her to. These moments are typically few and far between, but they do serve as a sharp contrast to her more typically boisterous and unrestrained personality.

I suspect that after she reflected on her argument with Kyon, she could tell that she had went too far. Apologizing is one thing that obviously comes very hard to Haruhi, so she didn't apologize for what she did, but she probably felt guilt over it.

Her actions in Live Alive are a stark contrast to her actions in the making of the movie. It's clear that she wanted to demonstrate to Kyon that she had learned a valuable lesson from their argument, and so she drags him over to watch on as she receives thanks from ENOZ, and receives it rather humbly in fact. Later while lying under the tree, she states "I started questioning what I'm doing with my life".

Perhaps this is Haruhi's way of saying "I'm sorry" over the events in Sighs that, after all, come very shortly before Live Alive.

One other thing about Haruhi's character that stands out as I rewatch some of the older episodes - she has a profound respect for adult authority. In every scene I watch that has her talking to adults, she shows almost flawless courtesy, manners, and respect. Heck, this one older guy was pretty much hitting on Haruhi, and she just calmly ignored it, and bowed and thanked him for answering her very skillfully worded questions. She certainly didn't seem very tsundere to me there, lol.

Yeah, like Dr. Casey said, Haruhi probably just snapped in the heat of the moment, and said something that she shouldn't have. It happens to the best of us.

At the very least, Haruhi has at least two distinct sides to her personality. Unfortunately, we're not really getting to see the calm, thoughtful, and almost philosophical one, this year.
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