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Old 2009-08-28, 10:00   Link #65
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: London
Originally Posted by Marcus H. View Post
Ironically, when I watched La Corda d'Oro, Beck Mongolian Chop Squad and parts of Nodame Cantabile, I didn't have this urge to play the instruments featured. Maybe because Kahoko Hino's violin is magical, Beck seems too laid-back for me, and classical instruments aren't really my forte.
K-On!, though, showed that playing in a band was an enjoyable experience, despite being unprofessional and downright random, they pulled everything off. I think the lesson isn't how epic your guitar or drum solos you've performed or how popular the instruments you're using. It's enjoying the music and everything that comes along with it.
My two cents.
Ah, I think I understand your view point regarding "musical inspiration".
When I think of inspiration, or at least in the musical sense, it's a sense of awe at how beautiful, intricate, complicated, deep the music sounds to my ears. Usually, this would then compel me to listen to more of the genre and explore different genres related to it. And if it's an instrument I can play, sometimes it makes me aspire to playing as good as that someday, eventually...

I definitely agree that music that isn't fun or not enjoyable to the individual playing it may never sound as good compared to another who loves what he/she does.

So I guess K-On appeals to some because it appears like they are having fun and playing around. I can see how this may be considered as a musical inspiration.

Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
Ah but neither one of them are cute or fantasy-dateable... nor were they high-schoolers just starting out as beginners when most people first encountered them as recording artists.
Sometimes its good to watch or observe "garage band startups" to imprint the idea that it isn't an infinite gulf between a beginner and Jeff Beck (okay, maybe *nearly* infinite... )
As Yui says.... "wow, you really aren't that good. maybe I *can* do this."
Yup, Vexx hit the nail on the head again.

Unfortunate that the closest thing you'll ever get to K-On type girl bands would be those one hit wonder girl rock bands... that I can't even name...
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