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Old 2011-06-15, 23:51   Link #11270
Join Date: Aug 2010
Originally Posted by Okashira View Post
For what I remember, it was the part were Stiyl and Touma were speaking about Aureolus fate. When Touma realized that Stiyl didn't fried Aureolus to hell he thought to himself and said out loud "you are one of those good guys" (or something on those lines).
Stiyl, being the original male tsundere of the series, totally twitched; Touma went at it again and when it was for about time for some male bonding (& hopely underage drinking(??)) Index walked in when things were getting good.

Vol 21, Chapter 5, part 3, it looks like the previous conception about "Accelerator tweaking his choker to extend time" is also a miss translation (then again, I haven't read the rest of the volume in jp). I'm glad that they offhandedly explained again the Madoushi (Sorcerer) term
Yeah, that's basically what happened to Stiyl - he left Aureolus alive by reshaping his face with flame magic, and just let him go since he lost all memory. Better than have Aureolus captured by a magic cabal and tortured for info on Ars Magna. Touma wanted to pat him for a job well done (and not being a bad guy) but is mistaken by Index for doing something else.

And the 'sorcerer' here isn't like what they might call Zelretch or someone that has True Magic in Nasuverse... 'Madoushi' is more like 'people that guide the path of magic flows', versus a 'magician/mage' that uses magic. That's what I'm getting from the kanji at least.
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