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Old 2010-06-27, 03:51   Link #63
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo View Post
I can't shake the impression that the second of this series never caught fire like the first half did... There were great moments - the best in each of the last two eps involved Simon, surprisingly - but there was too much wasted energy. Too many characters (the cop, Shingen) who were introduced and really added nothing of significance. I know they're more fleshed out in the source material and maybe we'll see more of them if there's a S2. I still enjoyed the series a lot overall - several of the characters were truly great, and there was a majestic sort of arc to the overall plot. I just didn't loves it as much as I would have guessed after about 10 or 12 episodes.
It's because this TV anime is multiple unrelated novel stories mixed together. Because they are fundamentally unrelated, the expected "climax" of all the plot threads coming together in the final episode simply can't happen. As an example, Celty and Shinra sorted out their issues with the head, and became a couple in the novels way before Mikado came to the city.

The cop Shingen is a rather important character in the novels as of the latest book. The anime's refusal to follow the novels and just have short 3 episode arcs is why you wonder why certain characters got introduced only to do nothing.
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