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Old 2012-09-13, 13:54   Link #2804
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
If only I could get paired up with guys like Pete xD From what I've seen, Kog'maw is actually the strongest ADC in terms of raw dps, even if he lacks dashes like Graves/Corki/Ezreal/Caitlyn. GJ surviving a TF where Shen got focused first, though...

2k solo Q. Dayum!

Haven't seen anyone play Shen in ranked, since he's perma-banned at my level. Most popular bans:
Spoiler for list:

EDIT: On another note, Syndra's out! Really fun champion to play with: literally pulls golem/lizard, has heavy base damage on her skills and her ultimate with 6 spheres out deals 1080 base damage before calculations. No wonder her AP ratios were nerfed so much...Most fun role to play with Syndra is support. Screw harass, max force of will first, grab enemy minions and lob them over to your side so that your ADC can farm in peace Her major drawback is in fact her passive; all of her skills are average at best until you max them to really see a difference and scatter the weak is very difficult to target before LV5 - and it's probably the last skill you'll be maxing. Awesome zoning potential with QW though, whoever takes a step in Syndra's zone is bound to be hit by her balls in the face.

CDR/Mpen is the offensive way to go on this one.

EDIT 2: New art for Tryndamere and MF, maybe a few more. New GP skin = Big Boss.

Last edited by Kafriel; 2012-09-14 at 01:44.
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