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Old 2007-07-08, 01:27   Link #188
Maids! Maids! Maids!
Tsuruya Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
Haru-tard refers to those who are unable to think critically about the show. I *love* SHnY but that doesn't mean I don't realize it has a few faults or issues.
You would think so, because what you wrote makes a lot of sense. However, it's used more indiscriminately, and it is done so by design. Harutard is a corruption of Narutard, and I'm pretty sure it was coined on 4chan as part of a Haruhi backlash. (If it's intentionally offensive, Internet-born, and it has even a tangential relationship with Japan, there's a good chance 4chan was somehow involved.) These backlashes are fairly common and always stupid. Currently, there are Lucky Star and Gurren Lagann backlashes.

In case you were wondering, I believe the expression "moe blob" was originally coined for Mikuru, but it is now used for any character who is viewed as being moe for the sake of being moe. "The slut" is Yuki, for reasons that escape me, but it's best to call her that it in the form of a question. Tsuruya is Lol-tan, and she still has goddess status. Ryouko is also still held in high esteem, because she's a little unstable. And that's my lesson for the day on the curious vernacular of 4chan.
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