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Old 2010-02-19, 14:52   Link #10
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by spawnofthejudge View Post
I think practically everything you said is more applicable to Kadokawa (other than the fact that K-ON! is a cash cow for KyoAni). KyoAni doesn't do merch or stuff like that. They're just an animation studio.

But that line has tended to be blurred around here. Does anyone have any insight into precisely the way it works between a Production company and a Studio?
Well, Kyoto Animation is part of the Production Committee for both of these shows. The companies in the production committee are the ones who put forward the initial investment, and so get a negotiated cut of all the licensing fees and merchandise sales. In Kyoto Animation's case, them being part of the production committee could be as simple as them not being paid much/anything upfront in exchange for that end-of-the-day cut. They also actually do create and sell their own merchandise through their online store, in addition to offering exclusive bonus items when you order directly from them -- one of the benefits of being a Production Committee member, I'm sure. So at the end of the day, they're not exactly just an animation studio in these cases -- they're a production partner. Still though, in Haruhi's case Kadokawa is the primary benefactor, since they're the publisher of the original novels (and manga, and games, and the anime DVDs, etc. etc.) and sort of the major "stakeholder" in the Haruhi franchise.

Anyway, to bring thing back around to the main point again, Kyoto Animation is almost certainly going to keep on animating projects in partnership with Kadokawa, and Haruhi has been a proven solid seller. What other properties to Kadokawa have on hand that have a reliable chance of being an even better seller? Even though K-On is selling well, Kyoto Animation still needs other projects as well to fill up their schedule. So it's not as if the two properties are really "in competition" with each other anyway.

Originally Posted by ultimatemegax View Post
like relentlessboredom said
Oh, I'm hurt!

Well, not like the business practices of these companies is all that exciting, but it's not if we can restrict the thread entirely to nothing but strict movie-only talk either. So long as it doesn't get too far out-of-hand and venture straight into off-topic territory.
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