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Old 2010-08-24, 13:17   Link #182
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Location: 1431 Highland Drive
Originally Posted by Gaara7171 View Post
Sound Sound Fruit

Type Logia

Can control and turn into sound waves. Create blasts out of sound. Can speed up or slow down the speed of sound. Control where sound goes.

- hear sound waves from far distances
- move at fast speed

-No cons yet besides the standard devil fruit weakness
How's this for a weakness: White Noise (just like in the Transformers episode: Carnage in C-Minor)

Originally Posted by bhl88 View Post
Copy Copy Fruit

Has the ability to copy the talents and powers of other people. (ex: if you touch zoro, you'll have the talent to use 3 handed swords).

Can copy at least 7 talents and powers.
It is possible to use 2 powers at the same time (Gomu gomu and Fire Fire: Ace's)

It's useless when you touch useless people.
Cannot copy stats (you can't copy Whitebeard's endurance).
Can't swim (you can't absorb swimming talent).
You can't use a power and a talent (ex: Ace and Sanji).
Cannot absorb "same" talents. (ex: red leg zeff and black leg sanji).
Limited to a 30 minute battle. (1) copies sword talents 2) 5 minutes later, copies Sanji's kick talent 3) same moment later, copies Usopp's sniping talent. 4) 10 minutes later, copies Luffy's Gomu gomu fruit. 5) 15 minutes later, sword talents disappear and absorbs Akainu's lava ability).
This Devil Fruit sounds interesting, almost similar to the Clone Clone Fruit Mr. 2 Bon Clay (Bentham) has. I think I made a discovery on how many forms of mimicing powers there are:

1. Model Shapeshift
2. Model Duplicate
3. Model Talent

BTW, is it possible to absorb Nami's talents of navigation and weather control? It would prove rather useful along with Robin's Hana Hana abilities.

Last edited by Rainbowman; 2010-08-24 at 14:14.
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