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Old 2011-10-23, 05:43   Link #115
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Join Date: Jun 2004
@fedor mma

Not disrespecting the ARMA guys as they are good and competent fellows on their field, as I have engaged with them in similar discussion about medieval European close ranged weapons in other european arms and armors forums, but a real medieval war is completely different than a highly romanticised and glorified swordplay between warriors. Cavalry with spears and missile weaponry (bows and archers) were always the decisive factors in a medieval wars. In Europe starting from the day of Karl (Charles) Martel where disciplined soldiers formed a spear column in repelling the invasion of the Emirate of Cordoba , until the renaissance area where spears were used as decisive victory factors by the Landsknecht, Tercio, the Ottaman Turkish Jannissaries and the most formidable of them all (imho at least), the Swiss Mercenary Pikemen.

Mongols were halted not only by Mamluks, but also by the Japanese and the Majapahit Empire (Javanese). But I say they were invincible because no other empire back then manage to match the sheer mobility of their troops in supplying logistic and their battle prowess in combat using their bows and highly mobile horse archers.

And on how hard to make a sword it depends on where you made them. In medieval Japan steels were hard to get, so making sword was considered a delicacy. It means if you want to make a sword, you better make a damn good one. This was why when Japan exported their swords to China in ( I think around the 1200-1400) the Chinese were impressed by the quality of their swords. Quite contrast with Europe or Chinese where steels were quire abundant so sword were quite handful back then and they produced alot of far more swords than Japan. However a good European sword is also equally good and similar quality wise to a good Japanese sword.

But again, this is anime, and I don’t expect it to be the same as real life. I enjoy the show already as I have right now.
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