Thread: Dating
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Old 2012-08-14, 15:39   Link #10625
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: The Abyss
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
It takes a lot of bravery to put photos of yourself online, in front of an anonymous audience, so I'll comment. To be perfectly honest, based on your photos, when I see guys like you I tend to assume that most women find them attractive. Granted, the way you move and behave play another large role in how you come across to others, and obviously we can't get a sense of that from the photos. But good for you - that's one thing you don't have to worry about!

Csuree You are brave to post photos on line because I can never do it. I will agree and say that you are an attractive guy. Don't appear like you want a gf too much and play it cool but not too cool. Girls will like you more if they feel they have to win you over just a little. Good luck.

Originally Posted by Paradoxine View Post
I don't think girls don't like nice guys so much as they don't like boring guys. Besides that, you probably have a point. In any case, I probably shouldn't even be in this thread because I haven't been concerned with finding a 'partner' for years. I thought It was just worth pointing out.

Finally, I'm going to draw on one of your points about the so called 'Out of his/her league' factor. There are no league's. There is simply what you have to offer a potential partner and whether they want it. For those mathematically inclined, think of it as an equation where:

What you can offer >= What they want

Whether this is looks, social status, entertainment, comfort, respite from loneliness, financial security, don't fool yourself into thinking that the other party is the problem when you just aren't cutting it.
Possibly. I am somewhat naive and have a lot to learn about people and relationships. This is why I say that I am immature in a lot of ways. ^.^
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