Thread: Dating
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Old 2012-08-14, 19:11   Link #10628
The Most Hated™
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: A random coordinate on the space-time continuum
Age: 36
the theory behind the girls liking the bad boys is this. many of the women think that a nice guy is dull boring and no fun at all...meaning no new things, boring days ahead, no adventure,
But a bad boy always brings something new, always keeps the girl on the edge with a surprise, adventure every day, passionate lovemaking....etc... i think you get girls crave for adventure from the bad boyz but they also crave for the security provided by the nice guyz who understand them as women as an intellectual being who needs comforting too, not just carnal desires, this is why girlz are in dilemma.

the thing is if the nice guy can show an aspect of him resembling a bad boy but also maintaining the nice guy too the it is a sure hit one strike KO for the girl :P

"the totally hot guyz are out of my league as well"......i only laugh at today's world the boyz court, but the girls get to choose it is all about marketing. if you can sell your "merchandise", or you "advertise it" well then you will find "customers". i saw many "average or below average girls who completely seduced boys by having normal amount of make-up and their hair was also done in a good manner, i don't mean to say that you girls are not doing it. no offense, but it is the advertising part that is giving you problems.

boys like to think that they are conquering the lady, but in fact is the girls lead us by the nose, and they are conquering us... there are so many seduction courses nowadays for boys....and it is all for capturing the attention of the girls. some use it to get in bed with many girls, but the original reason for these courses are that there are many-many-many "nice guys"out there who do not have the courage and hence this causes them to not have a fighting chance in falling in love, as for the cheeky bad boys, they are sleeping with numerous girls dumping them cheating on them etc....etc....

so i came up with the real problem and the solution to this which is essentially one fairly long word but it will say everything......and that word is........COMMUNICATION.......

this is the problem....the lack of communication between the guy and the girl.. the main issue is that the girls are a bit impatient and when they meet somebody they want to gt impressed real fast, so the guy who takes its time in getting to know the girl, already lost the battle...

i am that kind of guy......i simply can not impress anybody in a day or an hour.....i ususally impress somebody during the course of a few weeks....

and if the girl would sit down and talk to the guy for at least 2-3-4 days she would become interested in him,

i am not blaming only the girls, the guys have their fair share of problems too......and that is 1 word......BALLS......

we don't quite have the balls to go to a girl and talk to her in a way that impresses her.....and if you have the balls then you fail elsewhere....lack of attention nervousness, and so on.....

every now or then the two sides should just sit down and talk things over it would simplify everything.....

so don't anyone dare to say someone is out of his/her is only in your head....

it is known that some of the loneliest persons in the world are the most beautiful ones; males, females included,

that is because we normal people do not have the courage to go and talk to them ....we are afraid of made up scenarios that they will not like it when you go up to them and talk.

so courage, determination, open mindedness and optimism.... and you will get a guy/girl anytime....

(PS: and these advice came from a 24 year old virgin who did not have his first kiss in his entire life... very LOL....don't you think??)

anyhow that was only for breaking the serious tone of my post.... you can just ignore it like you never read it ok?.....if not......i will get......angry....and you don't like me when i'm angry.....

hahaha.. again this hilarious atmosphere has caught up to me.. sorry i just feel like joking every minute...

take care, and heads up.....(but beware of pigeons flying over you) as one asian philosopher once said: "Upon seeing the shadow of a bird, one must resist the urge to look up."

ooops i think i have a habit to have a long post.....i wish i was this talkative in the real life when meeting a girl....
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