Thread: Licensed Full Moon wo Sagashite
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Old 2004-09-05, 22:25   Link #86
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Trax
And a final note: was I the only one who hoped that Madoka would fall off a high building or get run over by a bus? Sure, she had some tough breaks and sure showbusiness can be brutal, but her relentless attempts to sabotage and discredit Full Moon were totally over the top and really got under my skin. I was glad it finally blew up in her face, although I still would have preferred a fatal accident. :P Anyway, I suppose it means the way her character was portrayed was excellent, I don't think I ever felt this strongly about an anime 'villain' before.
Originally Posted by Archaic
The Madoka subplot, I think, is fairly important to the manga, so I won't spoil it (Even though I've practically spoilt every other subplot in this thread already. ^^, but suffice it to say that she turns out to be a...well....a pityable person I suppose you could call her. And she *does* feel guilt for what she did.

The anime seemed to have put more emphasis on the 'evil' Madoka, and thus she gets more screentime. Unfortunately, that did make her character much less likable.

I think they should have at least give some details for Madoka's background, but guess the directors thought otherwise.

oh BTW... maybe it's just me, but does anyone also think that Jonathan's role in the anime was severely diminished? Makes me wonder why they even bothered to hire a VA for the character.

(In the manga Jonathan has a signifficant role, but in the anime he's almost reduced to a clown character.)
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