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Old 2012-02-01, 10:34   Link #55
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Thumbs up

Wow, how did I miss this thread. When I saw the Madoka Magica, Pure Pink Pretty Lovers thread title I was overcome with intense curiosity and it seemed to have paid off exponentially. Before I begin, I would like to thank TripleR for making this you have rekindled my passion for Madoka that I re-watched the series again. I've forgotten how awesome it is so Thank you x 1000.

Anyway, I've noticed that everyone seems to be saying what choice and route they're after as Triple R goes along. For me, I'll try to do the harem route (if its possible) or at the very least I'll be picking choices that will make everyone survive until Walpurgis night. Btw, its not cheating to look at the result of the choices after choosing right?

I'll put spoilers in the reason why I choose so it won't feel text blocky.

1. B
Spoiler for why:

2. B
Spoiler for why:

3. A

Spoiler for Why:

Opportunity choice : AWWW, I didnt qualify for it.
Spoiler for review for opportunity choice:

4. A
Spoiler for Why:

5. A
Spoiler for why:

The First lingering effect is pretty cool.

6. B
Spoiler for Spoiler:

7. B
Spoiler for why:

8. A
Spoiler for why:

Yes I qualified again for Opportunity Choice 2
9. B
Spoiler for why:

And I qualified for an observation choice ..

Spoiler for review of opportunity choice:

And following my route I get another M opportunity:
Spoiler for ....:

Finally caught with you guys... Thanks again Triple R for making this VN... Thumbs up its great!
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