Thread: Licensed Chihayafuru [Manga]
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Old 2013-02-11, 00:37   Link #149
Join Date: Oct 2004
Originally Posted by EliteF22 View Post
Hmm, Arata having trouble concentrating in the previous chapter and now him stating that winning the meijin is no longer his goal seems like foreshadowing. Wouldn't be surprised if Arata had some major health issue come up. Taichi striving to become a doctor would tie in with that. Instead of chasing after Arata he would be trying to keep him moving with them. Seems like a logical evolution of their friendship beyond Karuta.
Winning the champion is still Arata's goal. His mind is not stable, because Arata tells Taichi that Chihaya doesn't belong to anyone. Afterward, he regrets about his statement. He is bothered by it.
His health issue is minor. Because the girl next door feeds him too many food, Arata has the bad stomach. He uses the restroom before the qualifying match.
Again, winning is Arata's goal. He makes the statement because of the circumstance. At the match, Suo takes Shinobu to visit the match(on motorcycle). Suo notices that Shinobu is watching Arata. He asks her if Arata is her friend. She says Arata is the river in the way(邪魔な河). So, Suo watches Arata's match. After the match, Suo tells Arata will become meijin someday. Arata is embarrassed. He humbly replies not at all. Then, Suo taunts Arata and tells him that Arata's not good enough. This year, Suo declares that he's retiring. Suo thinks Arata's skill is boring. Is manga playing with their ambiguous relationship?

By the way, Arata is surprised that Taichi is at the qualifier match, too. As other people, Arata thinks Taichi's only reason for playing karuta is Chihaya. Again, Taichi's mother is scary.
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万有のルテーシア Lutécia of everything
塵喰いのカサンドラ Cassandra of eating dust

Last edited by GundamZZ; 2013-02-11 at 01:48.
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