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Old 2010-12-20, 09:38   Link #99
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU - Firefox crashed and I lost my whole post. Here we go again...

W-What is this? This is not the Kirino I know and hate! T-There's no way she can be this cute! Her attitude change was very refreshing, even if it was a bit abrupt and you could tell she was forcing herself ("tsun" is her natural mode). Thankfully (not really), she went back to her old self at the end of the episode, the balance of the universe has thus been restored.

Kyousuke remains the biggest sandbag I've seen this year. His reaction upon meeting Kirino in the morning at the beginning of the episode was hilarious. He acts like a victim of domestic violence around her, he is terrified everytime she as much as glare at him . Quite pathetic, really. Futhermore, what kind of brother lets his little sister kick his ass? (I burst out laughing when Kirino headbutted him ). I have to side with the people claiming Kyousuke is also tsundere. As someone else already said, this trait seems to run in the family, I'm pretty sure Kirino and Kyousuke inherited it from their father. Kyousuke obviously wanted Kirino to stay, but once Kirino reinitiated her "tsun mode" and told him she didn't like him, he instinctively went into tsun mode himself and didn't speak his true feelings. It's a some sort of vicious circle. Tsuntsun leads to more tsuntsun.

The best scene of the episode (aside from Kuroneko posing in fron fo the mirror <3) was the home-ge scene. I hope we'll see Akagi's sister at some point. Looks like she's also quite a handful.

Originally Posted by KholdStare View Post

This is probably the ending I want, where they stay brothers and sisters with no wincest. But somehow, it's not satisfying at all. They do have an understanding of each other in the end, which is good, but the problem I have with the ending is that life goes on. To exaggerate what this means, I felt like I wasted my time watching an anime that goes right back to where it started. Even though Kirino "caved," they are both still outwardly stubborn to each other, no different from the very first episode, so from a viewer's point of view, there is absolutely no progress.

The best way for me summarize how I feel is that this is the direction I want, but I don't see episode 12 as an ending, as if something else can develop that the viewer should see. My main problem with this episode is how Kirino started punching Kyou-chan again, which I thought her not doing so was a remarkable improvement. The other main problem is how Kyou-chan said to Manami "nothing important" when she inquired about his good mood. Without these two scenes, I believe episode 12 would be a perfect ending. Alternatives can be Kirino angrily slamming the door on Kyou-chan instead of punching him, and Kyou-chan simply admitting something happened with Kirino without going into details.
Agreed. This life goes on ending doesn't feel like a proper end to me (in fact, it isn't, since there is a "true end" incoming (I'm scared...)). I wouldn't go as far as to say we're back to square one, however. There has been progress throughout the series, it's just that said progress isn't significant enough to make this ending satisfying. Kyousuke and Kirino still haven't sorted out their feelings, and their relationship hasn't changed all that much since the second episode.

Originally Posted by Soconfused View Post
mmm, I honestly didn't like the episode too much, it was sort of all over the place, and what the hell was in the album? I really want to know, I was expecting she took pictures of him decretly or something as they grew up....
I expected the album to contain pictures she took secretly as well, but not pictures of Kyousuke... pictures of little girls! Alas, it looks like it was just a regular family album.
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