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Old 2012-10-30, 11:22   Link #9
Master of Coin
Join Date: Mar 2008
Fact of the matter is, professionals, I.E Teachers, doctors, priests, lawyers are not suppose to be sleeping with their clients (I.E students, believer, patients) because the idea of (undue influence), and in teacher's case, special favoritism.

So your friend must show

1) She is not using her power as a teach to coerce him to date her. This is usually ok for you since both parties always saw each other pre-teaching days.

2) Is a lot harder, while one can argue at the age of 24 is better than 14 to get hit by accusations of "Teacher's pet", but if people start suggesting he is getting A not because he is a good student but because he is nailing the teacher, then you got a serious problem on your hand. Furthermore, you don't want get hit by a full scale investigation on academic dishonesty (This could mean serious business)

Moral of the story, keep things off campus, don't kiss the teacher in class, and keep the whole thing quiet until you are done with the course. And ask the boyfriend never raise the issue until he graduates (I.E telling his friend he was being frisky with the professor)

Funny enough, we accountants don't have this rule, I guess we CPAs, unlike other professionals, are not cool enough to seduce our clients.
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