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Old 2004-08-08, 17:03   Link #68
Master of Pimpage
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Salem, OR
I'm inclined to side with Yebyosh over this one, his nitpickiness about plot holes aside Bones has shown in this anime to do things for the purpose of drama that offsets realism unless you think hard enough to injure yourself. Martel's death was beautiful, the assault well-done, and it was a powerful moment. I don't think many would deny that while it was being seen, and it's only in retrospect that holes fill.

For an example of what I mean, that would fit this perfectly, is Episode 35, where the searching fiance turns to stone after clinging to the petrified form of her lover. Why did she not die with the rest when the stone broke that supressed the disease? Why did she not instead survive? Was it a slow process when she entered the city again -- she was crawling stiffly, after all? It was powerful, yes, but doesn't hold up under observation despite some hints or heresay that might make or break it more

. There's a few other things of this caliber, but in the end it doesn't matter too much. I liked it, despite throwing basketballs through holes I was happy to ignore. A movie that seems to echo FMA for me right now is Face/Off. I liked it a lot, but it hurts to think back on what really happened.
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