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Old 2004-12-10, 04:13   Link #8
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: san francisco
Age: 38
it's the same with past forms of media entertainment too. Video games are more widespread and are a relatively new medium compared to movies, books, telivision, music etc. If you look back in history, you will see that everytime a new form of entertainment comes out it's all "OHS NOES OUR KIDS ARE GONNA BE BAD!!! BANN!!!" And it's from the older generation even if they had the same thing happen to them. I think it's because the new forms of entertainment is differnt from what a person of an older generation is used to. It is differnt and they don't know what to make of it. I bet many of us will become like that too as we age and the younger generation do things differntly.

I forgot where I read it from but when it became cheaper to and afford books, there was a surge in writers. Low income people could now afford to buy books, and actually read, this scared the the rich and said all the new writers were working with the devil to spread it's evil message through books.
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