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Old 2008-11-26, 11:13   Link #2012
from head to heel
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 42
Originally Posted by Father Hentai
I am not very sure yet, but was Ranshe not infected by the Vajra, when she became Ranka? This explains why Ranka is immune to the disease and can communicate with them.
That only explains Ranka. It has no relation whatsoever with the Nome name, and is thus irrelevant. Sheryl is supposed to be the descendant of Mao Nome from Macross Zero, who along with her sister Sara, displayed some sort of power related to the Protoculture.

Originally Posted by Father Hentai
On the other side, how would someone of you see it if your grandparents would experiment on you... does not sound quite well, right? And not everybody on the 117th fleet was as ruthless as Grace.
Are you referring to Mao conducting experiments on Sheryl? Where did you see that? The story doesn't even hint at such a thing...

...which brings me to another point. All we know of Sheryl's past prior to becoming an idol is that she was a street urchin and an orphan. How did the descendant of someone prominent as Mao Nome, her granddaughter no less, end up in the streets? Why does Sheryl use the name Nome, and not her father's or even her mother's for that matter?

So many questions.
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