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Old 2006-07-02, 19:50   Link #58
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
I might have to agree with the people who are saying that he was framed and I have three points to support it. The first has nothing to do with Hakuoro, but with Touka. She is supposed to be this honourable and virtuous warrior and yet the army she has joined slaughtered a village. Now I could understand if they just attacked the fighters of the village, but they didn't, they killed the entire village including the women and children. I don't believe that Touka would be part of any army that did anything like that. Now she's of a prominent position in that army, being someone of her calibur, so she would know of an event like that, which leads me to believe that she was tricked. That they never told her about the slaughter of the village, that in truth the real enemy is using her as a pawn. If she was tricked that could easily mean that they're tricking Hakuoro too, that the real enemy is trying to devise some strategy for defeating him.
My second point is also associated with the slaughter of the village, typically the strategy involved in the slaughter of innocents is to put the enemy into an emotional state, which is exactly what they did. I believe that was intentional, but if that's the case then the enemy would have to believe that Hakuoro cared enough for the people for that strategy to work, which obviously goes against what they kept saying about him being this great evil. I believe the enemy leader guy is actually in on the whole plan, that he's serving the real enemy.
My third point isn't much, but it's about the whole theme of the show, strategy. Hakuoro thus far has been all about strategy, that is his weapon and that has been the theme of the show. If that's the case the enemy would have to have the same weapon, which continues to support the same theme, strategy. It comes down to this, the evil guys feared Hakuoro(his former self) and what he was capable of so they framed him, to put him until an ill position with his people. Some sort of event happened where he got away, from his assailants, but it lead to him disappearing and gaining amnesia, which I don't think was part of the plan, but actually was an event that went against the plan, after all he got himself quite an army right now. After that happened the enemy leader guy used the whole murder of Hakuoro's family to bring Hakuoro's army under his authority and then used it again to bring Touka to his side. At this time they are in the process of using typical war tactics to defeat Hakuoro. Well anyway that's my two cents.
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