Thread: Dragon Age II
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Old 2011-04-03, 17:36   Link #1210
I asked for this
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Winterfell
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Flying Dagger View Post
My view of nightmare:
95% of the fights in the game are the same. They compose of
- grunts (melee or archers)
- assassins
- mages
- commanders (the ones with an aura)
- hybrids (ie reverants, dragons)

I feel that once I fight them all in act 1 I have beat the entire game. In fact the game only gets easier due to "trash" becoming insignificant (can 1 shot easily and does no damage - in fact buffs me due to my "on kill" abilities). Assassins were a pain in act1 because I do not have a ton of CCs to use, by act 3 they are no longer a challenge.

I guess I expect "nightmare" to be more than just spam pause, friendly fire, abuse CCC, and fights to be more interesting than running around in circles during the duel with the arishok for 5 minutes - admit it, its pretty pathetic.

As I was cleaning my shelf I found my very old copy of diablo 2: as old as that game is, I believe it brought us fights that far suppress what DA2 offered. Maybe the DA2 team should all pick up a copy and learn a thing or two.
Can't really argue with your points, it's true. They recycled mobs way too much, dungeons and attack patterns. They could have improved the first two, but I can't see how they could change attack patterns much to make them more interesting. They can't and couldn't afford to make all the fights boss level to begin with. The whole fighting is a huge step up from Origins and it's endless dungeon grinding, tho. I like the pausing as well, but maybe that is because I come from years of playing turn based strategies ie homm. I don't like mashing buttons either, so generally I'm fine with it, and when it comes down to it, I play it mostly for the story and character development anyway, for which I personally have more complaints about than for the fighting mechanics
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