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Old 2012-02-17, 20:08   Link #239
AS Oji-kun
Join Date: Nov 2006
Age: 74
Originally Posted by TheFluff View Post
The long-term goal of feminism is about tearing down of the patriarchal structure our entire modern society is built around, and that has far more wide-ranging implications than just individual self-actualization.
I don't disagree with the notion that overturning patriarchy may be the true goal of feminism, or at least some feminists, but that's not necessarily at odds with individual self-actualization. In the process of becoming a whole person, humans often come into conflict with established social institutions structured around cleavage lines like gender, class and ethnicity. Changlng long-entrenched repressive social orders requires many things, but one of them is self-awareness on the part of the oppressed group. Patriarchy as a social institution is thousands of years old; it's not going to be torn down in my lifetime and probably not in yours either. It's also not going to be torn down by watching Usagi Drop, but watching that might make a few more Japanese men think about the priorities involved when child-rearing comes into conflict with company and job.

I'm not going to belittle the gains made by feminists over the past few decades either. The world today in terms of relationships between men and women is vastly different from the world I grew up in during the 1950's. I've benefited greatly from that fact; so has my daughter. I'm happy to celebrate that progress while waiting for the patriarchy to collapse.

Oh, on the subject of action movies, I most definitely do not consider them deserving of respect or prestige per se. I don't think the industry thinks of them that way either. Their interest in such films has much more to do with lucre than with art.

Last edited by SeijiSensei; 2012-02-17 at 20:19.
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