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Old 2007-10-16, 13:28   Link #88
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Ottawa, Canada
As other people have mentioned, it wouldn't be something I'd just bring up randomly in a conversation, especially with someone I'm not that close to. With friends, if they've dropped by my house, they'd know I love anime (computer wallpapers and figurines) and manga (too many shelves to count). If someone asked me if I had any hobbies, I'll say I like Japanese culture (including language, traditions and of course animation). If they asked me specifically whether or not I liked anime, of course I'd say yes.

Since I grew up in an Asian household, anime is pretty much accepted in the family. And around here (big city), people are accustomed to it as opposed to let's say a small southern US town. So I haven't talked to anyone who had the misconception that anime is hentai. And if they didn't know what it is, I'll explain it to them briefly. The biggest problem I've had in regards to anime is genre. I prefer love comedy, as opposed to action and generally shounen material. So it's kinda hard to find someone who has watched them and is willing to talk to you about it. Most of them watch Naruto, Bleach and stuff like that. I usually just say "I haven't watched it as I'm not that interested" and that's that. Most awkward moment is my parents telling a family friend's 12 year old daughter that I liked that anime and she ended up talking with me about D.Grayman for 1 whole hour. I had only watched the first ep, while she was totally obsessed with it.

About anime clubs/conventions around here, it seems like they cater too much to mainstream (or rather those that are brought over to North America) anime instead of newer shows that aren't all shounen types. And as for manga, I always bring along a manga from my shelves when I head out somewhere where I expect to have time to do some reading. It's just a hobby of mine; I don't mind people seeing it (although I have to admit, I wouldn't bring some manga out because of the cover art); and if they're curious enough to read over my shoulder, they'd realize that it's in Japanese (or at least not in English in their eyes) ;p

One qualm of mine though, which is kinda related, is how it's almost impossible to find someone to talk to regarding H-game plots. People don't understand that some people don't play solely for the HCG. And it's hard to find someone who also knows Japanese who appreciates good storylines. Sigh.
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