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Old 2012-10-18, 04:54   Link #20548
Arcaneus Magi
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Academy City
Originally Posted by whitecloud View Post
Anyway...I just hope my really old wish come true...that misaka get a power upgrade...I Soo want her to be strong...

there is many strong character, especially myth based like angel or gods that have power of electricity...if only she could be as powerful...she could toe to toe with other magic chara..

Oh yeah..there is Thor right..maybe he can teach her a trick or two seeing him also electricity user...
Well that's the thing, Mikoto is strong on the "superpower train" or course she lacks behind a lot of "Over the Top" Power Houses , Like Saints and Magic Gods. The magic side tends to be a lot strong in terms of raw power.

It doesn't help that a lot of combat that Mikoto does, doesn't really show her full power. They either saving it for the Railgun Side story (Aka Manga) or just leave her as the "Vulnerable Character" (Of course that Bull) in Index
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