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Old 2007-05-07, 11:36   Link #17
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Astronomy of the Day is an excellent site, I have checked it nearly everyday for years.

I've liked seeing the different "moods" of the sky (as I call it) long before I even saw any of these sky-related anime, although seeing them did cause me to take more pictures of it.

Probably my own favorite taken photo with the sky. I have a thing with powerlines too perhaps caused by some animes showing the lines silhouetted against the sky.

For photos not by me it would have to be this. Got it from years ago from a friend who had it as one of his favorite photos too.

Towering cumulonimbus clouds often seen in summer scenes in animes such as AIR, are used because they do in fact usually appear mostly in summer, when the temperatures on the ground are hot enough to caused updrafts to form them, and they are indeed towering. They can get over twice as tall as the tallest mountain, Everest.
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