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Old 2011-08-05, 23:53   Link #15464
Gamilas Falls
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
You have to be popular and have a message people will go with if you want to pull off a massive third party push that isn't a break in party lines (Republican and Tea Party). The Reform Party had a good following but Perot dropped the ball when he backed out and then started up again.

However the hard part is that to be a decent party that can sweep out the older parties (aside from just changine policies but keeping the same name) is that you have to take more than just the Presidency. You have to take part of Congress. You have to take State government spots in order to keep policies intact without anything you do just being blocked on the State level or by Congress that won't play ball with you can only pull off a Veto so many times if they are all agianst you.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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