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Old 2013-01-05, 05:20   Link #142
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by -Sho- View Post
The only thing who bothered me "You're going to live as that person for your whole life!" "You can't change that" "You were born as that person , you grew up into that person"

My answer : - People can change -
People do change. You are not the same person that you were when you were younger. None of us are. But at the same time, we are fundamentally the same as we used to be. Some things you can change, but it's impossible to be anyone other than who you are.

That's the whole gist of her character, even down to her catch phrase of "I don't know everything, I just know what I know". She isn't who she is, and yet she is who she is. Sorry if that sounds like I'm speaking in riddles, but it's hard to explain. Oshino, at the very end, echoes this.

It's possible to be in love, and yet never say it. It's possible to have feelings deeper than love, and be unable to express them. Her family is still a family, even if it doesn't seem like it. She has emotions, even if she doesn't express them. These sound like contradictions, but what they really are, are facades. When you get to know people, you realize that appearances aren't everything, that what you see is just the tip of the iceberg on a much more complex being. But no mask is perfect, and icebergs are still made of ice.

Of all the characters in the Monogatari series, I find her the most realistic and fascinating, far more than any of the other girls. This isn't to downplay someone like Senjougahara, who is brilliantly written. All of the girls possess great characterization, writing, and mystery, but of all of them Hanekawa has the most appeal to me. Truly, this special was a treat, although I could have done without the first episode.

A final thought (and maybe a controversial one): I don't feel that Hanekawa "lost" to Senjougahara in terms of romance. I feel like the relationships are just different. Again, hard to explain. Love takes many forms.
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