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Old 2009-03-12, 15:48   Link #32
Join Date: Dec 2006
(;^ω^) Hah? Wakarimasen, sensei!

Etto... So basically, the glowing orbs of light and something of something from that world with the robot Tomoya and Ushio does some mocus-pocus-magical thing and changes the past and allows Nagisa to live... huh...
Only one anime needs some spirit convention to revive the heroine, thanks.

Well, putting aside the Nagisa revival (hai? what? why?), it was a good last episode... I guess. Well, it still was emotionally moving...
The minus points were:
The last part with Fuuko spent waaay too long to get to its point, the first half of the episode left me in question marks, and Mei isn't a loli anymore (Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
And I'm left going "Ah, you existed?" to most of the sudden character epilogues, but let's not think about that.

Hm~m... They repeated the same trick to kill off a character and just reverts everything in one episode, huh. Key quality, I understand.

-Robot's death was grotesque?! *sweatdrop*

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