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Old 2008-01-31, 10:52   Link #8
Join Date: Jan 2008
1. The first scene in Rabona, its reminded me the most for medieval time so I like it very much.
2. Slashers episodes. Nice scenery, nice fight. Aware of Clare is a weakling but even not as much.
3. Probably Witch's Maw my fav scene. Galatea appears again and show how cool is she^^, recognized Dauf is a big crying baby and saw a cool fight. My fav moment when Clare realize how to use her quick sword and its surprise Riful.
4. Invasion of Pieta: fight against Rigardo. I like the moment when Clare is running in slowmo and that was an arm lol^^ and then Rigardo just looking his stump.
5. The 7ghost appears(I belief things quickly )and improved a lot.
6. Riful collecting allie, Miria's team save the weaklings^^.

I like all of the Teresa scenes, especially the meeting with Clare and beating the former top Claymores. Same here, I never liked Teresa's death scene
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