Thread: Chess.
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Old 2004-12-05, 21:16   Link #17
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Antwerp area, Belgium, Europa
Age: 48
Originally Posted by Kamui4356
As I said before, to win in 3 moves, you have to take advantage of your opponent's stupidity.
move one:
w- kings pawn to king 3
b- king's bishop pawn to k-b 5

move two:
w- doesn't matter as long as you don't block the queen's path to king's rook 5.
b- king's knight pawn to k-k 5
move three:
w- queen to king's rook 5 :checkmate
check it for yourself
That is indeed the fastest checkmate possible, and if you play black, it's a checkmate in two moves This combo has an official name : Fool's Checkmate (not a j/k)
The mate in 4 is a classic beat-up-the-newbie thing However varaints of it can really work even later in the game.

As you guessed by now, yes I play Chess, been playing it since I could walk, so that gives me some 20 + years experience. I started playing since my grandfather and father both played alot, beating them was impossible. In high schoo; I joined the chess club for a while but I was chess champion pretty fast (not that the level of the club was high). During university I played quite a bit too, but other srategy games took over. The last couple of years I played only now and then becuase I'm lacking opponents. I have 3 chessboards on my appartment

My current level of chess : very very BAD, if you don't play it regularly you forget it all ....
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