Thread: Any ideas?
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Old 2003-11-13, 04:52   Link #12
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA
Since Kyubis Chakra/Kakashi Sensei wasn't willing to simply wait out the two days until her temporary ban ended she's been IP banned.

I'd just like to make one thing clear about this. Her offense wasn't for posting a thread in the wrong forum. That happens all the time and I hardly care about it. Her initial offense was not caring that we have rules. She stated that she was ready to break our rules because she didn't agree with them.

Her second offense was creating a new account. (That's the Ninth Commandment in case you're curious.) She created this account specifically to spit in my face. She then stated she'll just keep on making up new names as fast as I freeze them. That only leaves me with one option to ban her.

Incidently I searched her posts (both accounts) to see if she'd said anything interesting enough that I could consider it a reason to keep her. I'm afraid that I wasn't impressed. This individual won't be on AnimeSuki anymore. Under any screen name.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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