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Old 2012-04-28, 01:51   Link #1966
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
She's easy to play, as long as you don't try to gimp her with on-hit and AP, for a carry, she's got a skill for grievous wounds and a buff for her AS, so she's not that much different from, say, Graves. Then again, the latter has a close-range deterrent, a dash, a blind (literally) and his ultimate is a lot more likely to hit than MF's, who has admittedly one of the easiest to avoid ultimates in LoL.'s my problem...that's what people like you, Soverence and the like tell me.

The reality for me is, my strike rate with MF ulti is 80-90%, because I'm patient and wait for a 5v5 to be struck in earnest, pick my spot and send most of them into killable range and/or fleeing. In the case of 1v1 or 2v2, I bait people and think they've got me dead then spring it and end up getting a lot of people from it. Whereas, I can't hit opponents with Graves's ulti to save my life....Yes, I'm sure that's laughable, but whenever I line it up thinking it's the right moment, someone moves once's it's fired and barely misses being hit, ruining the whole battle for me. I also was unable to get killing blows with Graves and fall well behind in gold races, leaving me screwed late. And I have similar timing issues with Kog'Maw and Vayne. Caitlyn and Ashe are too easy to gank, even with Ashe's ult. Teemo has to hit and run big time. Sivir...I can't stand her late game. Tristana, I find her too 1v1 focused.

I know the pros say Graves and Vayne are best, but that just doesn't match my experience. Have bought Vayne to figure if I could get better with her, but I've used MF for nearly 100 straight matches now since I hit the level cap. She's what I'm good at and gives me darn good results, despite how that defies the logic of others.

And on the whole thing of being easy to play...yes...but using her properly is a different thing. Timing her skills right turns a battle on its head within a couple of seconds. Timing them wrong makes her do flock all.

Admittedly I do want to be able to use Riven, but my timing with her skills is way off.

Does anyone use surge on their ranged AD carries? I take it all the time and people always rage about it...
Flash and Ghost. Surge is tempting but I find living far too important and Ghost has saved me from a lot of un-MIAed ganks, withdrawls after pushing or pursuing someone after an all vs all to get the kill. MF guides claim Ignite or heal is better but I only find Ignite good early and Heal only delays the inevitable.

Last edited by Last Sinner; 2012-04-28 at 02:19.
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