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Old 2012-08-14, 13:32   Link #40
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
Chapter 667
That was a good chapter. Seeing Kidd, Appo, and Hawkins in the issue is good. Kidd's left arm is pretty cool. That must come in handy when there is no metal around to play with. I kinda expected the bounty to be larger for Kidd and Hawkins. Luffy was at least 400,000,000 before the two year time skip. Oda finally gave smoker his body back. There is vergo, monet, and CC on the other side.

Small size can also be an advantage
Just to let you know Marvel B Black Beard was no were near White Beard and he managed to get the WG and WB to fight each other and he replaced him has yonkou. He did it without an alliance. Second Hisoka?? brought up a good idea about guerrilla tactics. They work well against large groups. Look at vietnam and the American revolution. They are a proof that big size is not always a good thing. Second I think Luffy can hold his own against and admiral now that he has haki and he is stronger. I also think Luffy's haki is stronger then Marco or Vista's haki. I have seen only two people who has displaying haki use similar to Luffy, that would be Shanks and Rayleigh. Now the question is were does Zoro stand? I can't wait for Oda to put Luffy and Zoro to the test. That will be one interesting battle.
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