Thread: G-Maru Edition
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Old 2010-08-30, 06:59   Link #5
Licensed Hunter-a-holic
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 35
To be honest, I thought that this was a rejected series she had stored in her workshop, and got brought out just because she was asked to contribute something to the new magazine.

'twas okay, really. Nothing impressive, it just felt like it was the first 3 chapters of a series from WSJ (as I suspect it is ...) I don't think that it can be serialised for long, there were some hints at fighting your destiny and some plot points to go from, but I feel like I'm giving this manga too much credit (but hey, JUMP SQ.19 is quarterly, so I guess she has more time to think about it so who knows? She might think of way's to make it good).


Mizuki Kawashita has always been a strange case for me. My first true exposure to her work was through Hatsukoi Limited. Even though she had a few inane storylines here and there (anyone remember the bomb subplot?) I found myself enjoying the majority of the chapters and followed it to it's completion.

There is no denying that she is a good artist, and when she puts her mind to it she can produce outstanding artwork, yet at the same time she can never manage to keep her stories consistently good. She can make them entertaining, she can certainly make them fun from time to time, but I'd hard pressed to say that anyone of her work was ''overall good''. The closest any of her manga that came close was Ichigo 100%. Sure, it had problems (an indecisive male protagonist who was channeling every spineless harem lead, cases of excessive padding, etc.) but I still hold it as her ''best'' work.

Even with these problems, I still consider myself a Kawashita fan, but if this is true
Because this is Kawashita unhinged. No longer worrying about rankings or catering to a specific fanbase (*cough*Nishino*cough*), she goes straight for the jugular and doesn't hold back. It's as unapologetic as it is perverted, and that's what makes it such a guilty pleasure.
then I hope she can find a semi-competent or decent writer she can team up with, because if this is what Kawashita is like unhinged, I strongly doubt she can ever produce anything outside of guilty pleasures.
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