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Old 2008-03-06, 23:43   Link #55
Asuka, Asuna, and Horo
Join Date: Feb 2008
Hmmm.... Very interesting episode!

I feel bad for Lawrence, but worse for Horo!

Hmmm... the next episode is titled, "The Wolf and the great plan.". I do wonder if 'the plan' will involve Nora and that town she was talking about. This is just speculation though. I haven't read the novels.

OR... maybe it involves those mercs, like mentioned in a previous post.

But still, I nearly cried at the end. The way her face looked...

Then I watched 'Saving Private Ryan' and cried when I saw the graveyard. (The sight of all of those white crosses and the US flag always makes me cry.) So Basically, I've been a crying, weeping sap the entire day! Fun fun!

EDIT: I do wonder if there will be a second season. I don't see how they could wrap this show up in two episodes, with at least one episode revolving around Lawrence relieving his debt. Unless... Horo or Lawrence dies in the process! But that's just speculation. God I hope I'm wrong.

Last edited by RampagingEvangelion; 2008-03-06 at 23:55.
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