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Old 2010-08-29, 04:09   Link #4
Smile, like HTT Girls
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Singapore
Age: 34
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So, yeah, I decided to write the narration in third-person view rather than first-person with Mio, one of the reasons being that it might ruin her character as bloppyblue suggested, and another because it restrained so much more emotions that I could had put into with third-person.

Either way, I'm really glad I did the change, and I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. 'Coz I really enjoyed it.

P.S.: Sorry if it's too melodramatic for you, Mio-haters!

Chapter Two - Another Pinch!

"Eh? A boy?" said Azusa, the day after she joined the Keion Club.

"No, you got it wrong!" Mio replied quite defensively. "He's just interested in our band and wishes to visit us from time to time."

"Don't you mean interested in our band member and wishes to visit her from time to time?" teased Yui, giggling by the side.

"What are you talking about, Yui?" Mio pouted, looking away from her friends, her face burning red. "You're being silly, as usual."

At the other end of the tea table, another member of the band had her eyes away from her friends as well, though it was more out of daze rather than embarrassment.

"Ritsu?" called out Tsumugi, noticing her friend spacing out by her side. "Are you alright?"

"Huh?" She looked at Tsumugi with a disoriented face, worrying her friend even more. Finally noticing Tsumugi's anxious look, she quickly adorned her visage with a smile. "Ah, it's nothing! Sorry, I was just… thinking about something."

Though still slightly nervous about Yui's teasing, Mio was able to catch the whole episode of her bestfriend. Though she didn't really understand it at first, she would soon wish that she had paid more attention to her friend that day, when the moth accidentally led the butterfly to the flame.


"No, no! You are still not getting the beat right."

It was late in the afternoon. The Keion Club had just finished another tea party session when Mosugi - or Flare - entered the room, hoping to pick some drumming skills from Rtisu. So it seemed anyway.

"Here, let me show you," commented Ritsu. Though she was obviously not having the best mood that day, she was very patient with the new member of the band, smiling cheerfully as she showed each procedure carefully to Flare.

Just seconds after Ritsu began to perform her demonstration for Flare, however, he immediately got distracted by Mio, looking at her practicing her bass quietly on her own. Noticing his gaze, she returned it to him smiling, of course.

"Hey! Pay, attention, on the drummer!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" Flare quickly turned away from a giggling Mio, bowing his head repetitively towards a fuming Ritsu.

"Dammit, why are you really here anyway," she remarked thereafter, throwing one of her drumsticks on the floor.

"Hey, Ritsu!" reprimanded Mio, who, along with the other members, was quite surprised about Ritsu's sudden burst of temper, albeit knowing about her rashness when dealing with annoying matters - or people.

"Ah, sorry!" Ritsu smiled nervously, immediately picking up her drumstick. "I guess I'm just a little tired, that's all. Sorry, Flare."

"No, no," replied Flare shyly, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry I was such a pain to teach. If you're tired, we could do this another time, when you are free…"

Somehow, that response wasn't as satisfying to Ritsu as she had thought it would be.

"Sorry, I'm gonna… go to the restroom for a while," she remarked with a weak smile, somewhat dropping her drumsticks on the floor again when she tried to place them down gently.

"Hey, Ritsu…" interjected Mio, with a more gentle voice this time, and a concerned look on her face.

"It's alright, Mio, I'm just… going to take a rest…"

After Ritsu left, it was as if sound itself had exited with her. The room remained quiet for a near half-minute. Everyone just rubbed their arms awkwardly, trying to act going about the usual business they attend to in the room.

Except for Mio. She stared into blank space for that half-minute. It was obvious what she should had done, and she only regretted that she hadn't done it a half-minute earlier.

"I'll be right back," she said, swiftly placing her guitar on the floor and briskly stepping out the room without another word.

And after she left, Flare became the one who went into a train of thought.

"I guess I should be going…"

"Flare, wait," halted Tsumugi immediately, stretching out her hand. But it was of no avail. Flare stepped out the room as fast as he reached for the door.

"Sorry for the trouble," he inserted before he left.

Again. Silence. For the third time.

"I don't know why this is happening," commented Azusa out of the blue, "but I know it wasn't Flare's fault."

With their smiles, Yui and Tsumugi mutually nodded.


The school restrooms of Sakura High were kept very clean - not surprisingly, considering their prestige reputation for an educational institute. The toilet seats were dry, the toilet paper aplenty, and the mirrors were sparkling crisp clear, allowing a hair-banded girl to gaze into her reflection properly.

Soon after, the reflection of a second individual grazed the glass, causing Ritsu to descend her eyes into the sink below.

"Ah, hi, Mio. Need to relief yourself, too, huh? Told you not to drink so much punch just now, didn't I?"

Mio tried and look away. She hated the sight. She hated the hypocrisy.

"Hey, Ritsu…"

"Next time, I'll just have to beat you to the juice bar-"


That same awkward silence filled the room for a few seconds. The only two figures in the restroom remained motionless, as if someone had hit the pause button.

"I… I'm your bestfriend, Ritsu… am I not?"

Tears began to trickle down Mio's warm cheeks for the first time in many years. Tears not out of fear, this time - but out of desperation.

"Why are you always so dishonest towards me… Even if it's an insult, a scolding… I'd rather that you say something… instead of acting so cold towards me…"

Ritsu looked up at the mirror, at that blurred reflection across the glass.


She looked at herself, at the situation both of them were in at that moment, at this whole incident itself.

Then she giggled weakly.

"Sorry, Mio… I guess I was being an idiot again…"

The long-haired brunette looked up at the mirror her bestfriend's frowning face was reflected on.

"You were always… smarter than I am… much more caring and kind…"

"That's why you are an idiot…" replied Mio, an answer somewhat confusing to Ritsu. "You never admit the truth… that I always needed your help…that my so-called virtues were born from your support… that I was always too insecure, too cowardice to help myself…"

"Mio…" mumbled Ritsu weakly. She turned around and looked at her bestfriend's wet cheeks. She walked slowly towards them, raised her hand and brushed her fingers across the wet surface. "Idiot… you are definitely not weak… You've been much stronger than I ever was on several occasions… not because I helped, Mio, but because I didn't."

If Ritsu had more compliments to say, she didn't get to say them when Mio rushed in with her embracing hug.

"Sorry, Ritsu, I'm so sorry…"

That smile reappeared across Ritsu's cheeks again, except this time, it was a genuine, warm-hearted smile of sincerity. A smile that could only be gained from true friendship.

"Idiot, there's nothing to apologize about," she remarked, caressing Mio's back gently, calming her down. "Let's just…"

"…Never fight over a boy again?"

"How cliche."

The laugh between the two ended the episode. And like music itself, it reconnected the friendship between people once again.


"Yo!" said the sunshine girl when she returned to the others in the Music Room, with Mio smiling equally brightly behind.

"Hey, you are smiling again, Ritsu!" commented Yui out of the obvious.

"Thank you, Captain!" Ritsu saluted, much to Yui's confusion.

"I'm glad everything worked out, seniors," Azusa added, smiling cheerfully at both Ritsu and Mio.

"Everything…" replied Ritsu, wrapping her arm around Mio with a grin, "…worked out just fine."

"Excuse me, I forgot my-"

His entrance pierced the atmosphere like a diamond sword. Of course, he was more awkward about it than the girls were.

"I'm sorry! I'll come back another-"

"Hey, Flare!" yelled Ritsu quickly before Flare had the chance to pull himself from the room completely. "Don't you want to take back what you forgotten?"

Flare paused behind the door, too embarrassed to get any closer into the room. "I'll… come back and take it another time…"

Ritsu smiled. "I don't think she'll wait that long, Flare."

"Huh?" cried Mio and Flare, both gaining a mix feeling of worry and confusion at that moment.

The boy poked his head a little bit further from behind the door, and saw Ritsu's winning smile asking him to return to the girls.

"Moron! What are you waiting for? It's not nice to keep a girl waiting!"

"Ritsu…" both Mio and Flare murmured in synchronicity.

"Go on, Mio…" Ritsu smiled, placing her hand on Mio's shoulder, "…I'll help you out… this once."

"Ritsu…" whimpered Mio, before she rushed up with a hug again, pouring her heart out on her shoulder.

"Now, now, watch the blouse there…" jabbed Ritsu cheekily.


As the day dragged on, both Mio and Flare had a great time together, only this time, there was not a sense of sorrow in the room, nor jealousy, nor anything that is impure or unpretty.

And of course, Flare gained the privilege of sending Mio home that day. However, of course, before he left with the beauty in his arm, he left a final remark to Ritsu.

"Hey, Ritsu, you know… you're a pretty awesome person."

And with a thumbs-up, she gave her reply with a big grin on her face.

"I know!"

Last edited by WBoon; 2010-08-29 at 05:06.
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