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Old 2017-08-18, 12:49   Link #176
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 View Post
It's a lose-lose situation. You could ignore them and play it "safe", but risk letting their ideology be heard, spread and likely have them act it out. You could confront them and find a way to stop their spread, but risk provoking them into action. Either way, there is a risk, and in ways society as a whole loses.

The only solution was to never have let it start in the first place. Hindsight is 20-20 and you can't really do that now. Now you either do nothing, or do something.
Or not confront them because it's still there right to say what they say, America is still a country of free speech whether like it or not, whether like what they say or not, and as much you want to say confront because not confronting might might let their thought process spread and that is an if it did which considering it was Nazi's saying it it probably wasn't by not confronting no one would have gotten hurt or died, but because they did and to a group predisposed to violence as much as the media wants to spin it they weren't, they are just as responsible for that woman's death as the person who ran his car into there parade. And before you say not confronting them legitimizes them they already were because they were given the permits to hold that protest meaning as much as who hate it it was a legal legitimate protest even if you don't agree with their stance
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