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Old 2015-10-14, 20:52   Link #95
Orthodox Haruhiist
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Making metal ... for fish
Age: 44
Originally Posted by HandofFate View Post
I agree, I think it clashes with the art style of the rest of the series.
I'm sure there be better ways to show her getting into the mood than the bones cgi sequence.
They spent good money on that sequence, so I expect we're going to see it pretty often in this series.

Anyway ...

In this episode of Sherlock Holmes Sakurako-san ...

- Getting involved in dealing with corpses happens so often that Watson Boy knows the smell of death.
- Sherlock Sakurako-san knows how to deal with children. How did she learn that?
- Lestrade Police Box Man isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.
- Watson Boy shows off the mad martial arts skills he picked up fighting in Afghanistan from his martial arts master grandpa. This causes Sakurako-san to yell at him, and we see a hint of some importance Boy (or someone who Boy reminds of her) played in her early life (which might explain why she's so loathe to call him by his name ... it's obviously a painful memory for her.)
- Don't do drugs, kids!
- Next week ... instead of Sherlock Holmes references, I swear it'll be Hyouka references (even though this show hews very close to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's archetypes.)

I am quite enjoying this show, so far. It's ridiculously pretty, and very, unflinchingly, adult in its subject matter (and handling thereof.)

Originally Posted by HandofFate
Also man police box officer, just shoot the guy!
Him and what gun? This isn't America, where each individual policeman has a semi-automatic sidearm of a caliber of at least 9mm with several spare mags on his person, plus an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle or a Remington tactical shotgun in the trunk of his squad car. It's extremely rare for police in Japan to carry firearms at all. You would not expect a local yokel in charge of a police box to be armed with a gun. You have to go pretty high up the police food chain to find a Japanese cop with a gun, and even then it's typically a little .38 Special snub-nosed revolver.
Go into the water. Live there. Die there.
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