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Old 2013-11-23, 06:08   Link #1010
Shinsen-Subs core member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Japan, Tokyo
Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
I'm aware; but he effectively blocked her in that Madoka wasn't able to do her job or meaningfully interact with the Soul Gem from the outside.

...Why? How? That makes zero sense to me. It's like telling Zeus he can't throw lightning at you because you have an umbrella up, nener nener.

Heck, what does "seal off a Soul Gem from outside influence" even MEAN if the agent doing the influencing is outside of time, space, and the world's non-magical laws of existence. I'm pretty sure that outside of special cases like Rebellion, you can't observe Madokami on any sort of scientific device. How do you lock that out?

I mean, hell, the barrier isn't even blocking out light bouncing back. It's NONSENSE, but it's necessary for the movie to function on any level.
The way I see it, he wasn't 100% sure what he would get, and just tried methodical scientific experimentation protocols by isolating variables to the best of his ability on a very peculiar case (Homura's corrupt Soul Gem) after hearing about the "witch hypothesis" from Homura, and my way of viewing it is that, it's her barrier (and memory warping, born of Homura's love for Madoka and wish for the dreamlike world) that actually disabled Madokami's abilities.

So the way I see it, Kyubey was just lucky on this attempt because of Homura and Madoka's connection. Then again, I might be totally wrong, because we don't know what this process would do to any other magical girl. I'm just formulating an hypothesis based on what the movie gives, and that reaches the conclusion that human emotions are FAR more powerful than what meets the eye, and that they can even screw up universal forces when the conditions are right. (...which happens to be the point Homura makes, and why I say that strictly within the confines of their worlds, "complete witches" would give Madokami a run for her money)
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