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Old 2007-02-13, 20:17   Link #5
Μ ε r c ü r υ
Join Date: Jun 2004
There are many emotional scenes in One Piece (although, in my case, not leading to the sobbing level, stopping at the tears coming level).

The most recent one, Robin's emotional breakdown.

The way Sanji's reaction was portrayed when he noticed that Zeff was missing his leg (I guess there was a highly music was played at that time, too, increasing the impact of that).

Nami asking for help from Luffy around the ime she was stabbing herself near the tattoed area in her shoulder, again, Nami crying for her thanks to Luffy, after she saw what he was doing in the room she worked as a children till she bled.

Chopper being thrown outside by Dr. Hiluluk, and Chopper hurting himself to make Hiluluk accept him into his house once again.

Vivi attacking Luffy talking about what she can or she cannot do, and allowing Luffy to make her realize the importance of friendship. That was a really nice scene. Again, Vivi shouting to stop the war, then, Nami, hearing that, crying and making others to go and save as many as possible.

There might be many more, but these are the first that come to my mind.
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