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Old 2007-01-25, 22:29   Link #90
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Boulder, Colorado
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So far as my limited skills can tell, he starts out talking about how much good the cake the staff had at a celebration was, and then says that the previously announced release date of this Sunday (1/28) was propoganda, but he says that that it'll be out soon, and will be as good as the cake. Of course, then he jokes that the cake is salty, and who knows what he means by that... So, basically, we know that they're alive and well at the company and working to get it released. They had something to celebrate about, at least... Or maybe they're all insane from a cake overdose or something.

If Matsuri ends up as vaporware I'm going to be very sad indeed. But based on what was just posted at this thread, they might have decided to include a few manga arcs as well, so maybe that's the source of the delay.

Hey, first post.
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