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Old 2011-08-02, 00:20   Link #1044
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
After a break from normal games, while testing out various builds and champs in Co-op vs AI, I decided to throw a few normal games for fun. Couldn't get past two, because of the impossible feeding and serious lack of experience from my teammates. What do I mean with that:
1) As Galio, I poke and last hit. My lane partner (Lux) kept pushing the lane like a maniac, with a jungling Lee Sin on the loose.
2) At my first trip back, I was expecting an early gank, so I warded blue. Right when Lee starts tackling it, Yi goes over to...steal(?) the buff, with the golem and Lee at 90% HP.
3) As you can imagine we got pushed hard in mid, so I was left there defending against 3 pokers, and Nunu starts going after Malzahar (most fed). Now, here is my real problem. Not only is he a complete noob for taking the bait into a 5v1, but the rest of the team blames me for being a coward, WTFFFFFFF!

Second game as slightly better, since nobody complained, but it really felt like everyone was doing whatever they wanted, doesn't feel as much of a team game as it used to. So then, I heard about this story where bot games lower your hidden ELO, anyone know if it's true?
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