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Old 2009-11-27, 05:29   Link #19
Join Date: Apr 2008
So the Mitaka Document is made by a contractor who has memories of future. Who else can it be except Amber! Oh, poor Hei... Amber's gone long ago, but he is still playing around in the palm of her hand. By the way, I am just curious how old Amber was when she became a contractor.

Hei devoured food again, but his ability is yet to come back. Does this mean that 'eating a lot' is not his remuneration but just his habit? Then, his remuneration is not known yet?

It is revealed that Yin's ability is to make contractors suicide themselves. But it's still unknown how she can do that. As seen in the Tanya's case, could it be to bring old feelings back to a contractor? If that's Yin's doing, it looks like water is a necessary medium.

The transformation scene again! For that sole reason, this episode is 6/10 for me.
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