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Old 2015-11-14, 19:42   Link #2
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Thumbs up Hide Your True Self: Jin Hui Cho

(Introduction chapters will be the most detailed of all - almost summaries - so people can decide if they are interested)
Ah, this manhwa looks interesting. Women keeping secrets...

Let's look at chapter 1:

An ordinary apartment building, with an ordinary newlywed couple, as the ordinary wife kisses the ordinary husband as he goes off to work.

Well, the husband is actually half British, but even that fact that one thing about this couple is not ordinary is ordinary...

Did I use the word ordinary enough?

And... oh dear... two thugs have come to visit the ordinary housewife at her ordinary apartment after her husband has left for work!

Don't open the door ordinary housewife!

Oh... the ordinary housewife is actually a yakuza princess. And these thugs have arrived for the day to do her housework and cooking, so that her husband continues to think she is a competent housewife...


And her personality changes a lot too. She went from loving, to... well... intimidating.

Apparently Jin Hui Cho (the yakuza princess housewife) owns a building, and in that building is a pet shop that serves as a legal front for the mafia. Her husband thinks that her day job is managing that pet shop.

Here we meet two other characters, including the second main heroine:

Ari Doh, the real manager of the pet shop, and Seo Jin Um, her hapless assistant.

Ari is a short feisty woman, who is hyper competent and does not tolerate fools. Seo Jin Um is a tall, handsome, kind hearted man, who is also clearly an idiot.

Ari is docking his pay, again, for some kind of mistake he made. Guess he bought ten times as much dog food as he should. He's going to have to live off dog food for a while...

Yes... I can already tell these two are going to be a lot of fun.

Jin Hui Cho passes through the pet shop, and goes upstairs where she becomes: "The Boss Lady"

Here we meet Ian Pi, who is apparently her right hand man or something? I get a "so cool I wear sunglasses at night" vibe from him.

Oh dear... Boss Lady's father has run off to Hawaii and left her stuck taking care of the mafia business while he's gone.

Hmm... some other mafia family has been trying to sell in her family's territory, and she's going to have to have a meeting between bosses to work out the complaints...

Hmm.. apparently the other mafia family engages in forced prostitution, which the Boss Lady objects to (the forced part anyway). There is a little altercation, and I guess our Yakuza princess housewife is actually a badass Yakuza princess housewife. (Why am I surprised? I've read Fullmetal Alchemist, housewives are dangerous!)

That other Yakuza boss was lucky the Boss Lady's husband walked into the restaurant they were meeting at. Otherwise she might not have left him off with just a warning.

Execute daring emergency escape plan!

Well... I must say this chapter exceeded my expectations, I believe I shall read the next chapter as well.

Going by the first chapter this seems like it's going to be a light hearted farcical romantic comedy romp, but might also touch a little on the darker side of life (drugs, forced prostitution, etc).

Cross Game - A Story of Love, Life, Death - and Baseball. What more could you want?
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