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Old 2007-11-12, 03:28   Link #97
Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by minhtam2448 View Post
Uh, okay. So Kazumi confessed to Yuji. I know Yuji cares about Kazumi to some extent, but knowing this, he's still unsure about his feelings to anyone, so how is he supposed to act toward Kazumi?
Hmm. Where in the series do they show that Yuuji is "unsure" about anything regarding his feelings? There hasn't been any indication of what he is consciously thinking in regards to Yoshida, and he has just been blandly nice to her as always. Right now it appears as if he is totally ignoring that the confession happened. But I never got the impression from the writers that they're making him act that way as part of the plot...more like they're just being lazy. Not just about Yoshida but to the other haremettes, too: we don't get much conscious thought from Yuuji at all concerning any potential love interest. And not that he's incapable of romance; again the writers are shafting him.

Maybe I'm just frustrated that Yuuji isn't a more dynamic character. I would like SnS much more if Yuuji weren't so generic and airheaded. Seriously, make him a Kyon or something for all I care just to spice things up. Why must the humans in this show be so uninteresting??
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