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Old 2007-09-06, 14:46   Link #59
Awe of She
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Orlando
Oh yes, a few more things...the potential humor in this is too much to ignore. Sorry but since I wrote out all that serious stuff, I gotta do this to feel 'balanced'.

Pris: Isley! Isley! Play with me!

Isley: Not now Priscilla, I'm working.

Pris: But I wanna play~!

Isley: Okay, how about I give Rigald to you? I'm sure he won't mind playing with you.

Rigald: ...excuse me?

Isley: Just for a few minutes okay? Just keep her busy.

Rigald: ... yes sir. But I get to lead the next hunting party.

Isley: Deal.

Rigald: *to Priscilla* What would you like to play?

Pris: *bright eyed* Claymores and Awakeneds!

Rigald: ... come again? What sort of game is that?

Pris: I'm the Claymore and you're the Awakened One! *pulls a sword out and immediately a killing aura surrounds her as she switches to her Awakened form* Prepare yourself!

Rigald: ....mommy...

Isley: least she didn't ask you to play 'Horsey'...*ignoring Rigald's screams of terror*
"Focus entirely on me, you ordinary soldier."
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