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Old 2007-07-26, 20:49   Link #10
Sabaku Kyu
The Ironman
Join Date: Sep 2006
Well, I don't think Kishi sits on his huge piles of money everyday and wishes he could be more like Sasuke.

Maybe the character is a kind of wish fufillment in a way. I'm sure when Siegel created Superman he thought it'd be cool if he could lift cars over his head and leap tall buildings in a single bound. And I wouldn't be surprised if Bob Kane at some point in his life wished he was a handsome billionaire playboy who also happened to be one of the world's greatest detectives when he created Batman.

But those are just childhood dreams. And they're dreams that most children and teens can identify with, which is why the characters are so popular anyway. Naruto and Sasuke are probably both aspects of what Kishi imagined he could be as a kid. However, he's not trying to live his life through Sasuke by making him powerful. He's just giving him attention because he is a main character and is also one of the most popular
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